Angelspit just released THE BASTARD APOSTLES. Check out our remix of “Jump for Joy”.
Music Without Labels
Angelspit just released THE BASTARD APOSTLES. Check out our remix of “Jump for Joy”.
M I S S S U I C I D E N A R Z I S S E P R E L E A S E We are thrilled to be part of this release. Remixes by Blue Ant & 40 Octaves Below.
I N D U S T R I A L V O M I T O R I U M Coming July 2024 A splattering of eleven new tracks including a cover of Joy Division’s “She’s Lost Control”. Intro track “Industrial Vomitorium” features the throat singing talents of Jesse Ellytt.
T E R A T O P H I L I A The first single from the upcoming full release “Industrial Vomitorium”. Includes remixes by: Anthony (H) Live Evil Productions Antigen Shift SinThya
M E T A V E R S U S R E M I X E D . A U G U S T 4 T H . —————————————————— Pre-release now available! Join our event for release updates and teasers… Eighteen tracks, featuring: 40 Octaves Below DI Auger Moris Blak MXMS Anthony (H) Angelspit...
MetaVersUs is the new full length album from 40 Octaves Below in an unprecedented time of misinformation and global media manipulation. We stand at the precipice of a “New World Order” and Transhuman enslavement. An Orwellian nightmare of censorship, media programming and the surrender of our freedoms is enfolding around us. Will we wake up...
“Dead To Rights” (Single) is 40 Octave Below’s latest industrial horror track, and the fourth single from their upcoming album “MetaVersUs” (Coming later this year). releases October 28, 2022 The single features four remixes from ESA (Electronic Substance Abuse), Anthony (H), Branntshatz & Hxnging Rxven. Mastered by Anthony (H). Pre-order here:
“Splintered” (Single) is 40 Octave Below’s latest industrial horror track, and the third single from their upcoming album “MetaVersUs” (Coming later this year). Additional single to follow before the album release. releases August 19, 2022 The single features four remixes from Anthony (H), Live Evil Productions, Matt Hart and 40 Octaves Below. Mastered by Anthony...
“Algorithmic” (Single) is 40 Octave Below’s latest industrial horror track, and the second single from their upcoming album “MetaVersUs” (Coming later this year). Additional singles to follow before the album release. credits released June 17, 2022 The single features four remixes from Anthony (H), Live Evil Productions, iVardensphere and 40 Octaves Below. Mastered by...